
Office hours now Tues – Thurs 9am to 3pm

Oticon Companion app update

Following the announcement of the discontinuation of the ON app last week, we wanted to bring your attention to two updates to Companion app.

Companion 1.2.1
This version is available now on the App Store, and solves many of the issues with stability and connections for Polaris (More, Own) and Polaris R (Real) hearing aids. In addition, clients can now enjoy the new features for Oticon Real (on Firmware 1.1.0) without having to reinstall the app.

Companion 1.2.2
For clients using models on the Velox and Velox S platforms (Opn, Opn S, Siya, Ruby, Xceed), further improvements to stability are included on version 1.2.2. This update will be available on the App Store on Wednesday 13th September 2023.
Thank you to everyone that flagged the issues. Please continue to send us feedback, both positive and points for improvement, via your Oticon Regional Business Advisor.

We now have the Latest Oticon available for Demo/Trials

Deaf Awareness Week 1st – 7th May

Deaf Awareness Week takes place every year to increase public awareness about the issues affecting deaf people and deaf culture as a whole.

There are a variety of events and activities that are held over the course of Deaf Awareness Week for both educational and celebratory purposes – some examples of how you can get involved with Deaf Awareness Week are below:

  1. Attend deaf awareness events
  2. Take a sign language class
  3. Donate to a supporting organization

To learn more on this, take a look here: 🔗

#DeafAwarenessWeek #DAW2023 #deafawareness

Face Masks

When to wear a face covering

The legal requirement to wear a face covering no longer applies. However, the government suggests that you continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces where you may come into contact with people you do not normally meet.

Customers, visitors or staff may choose to wear face coverings in any setting.

Face coverings and face masks will continue to be required in health and care settings to comply with infection prevention and control (IPC) and adult social care guidance. This includes hospitals and primary or community care settings, such as GP surgeries. They must also be worn by everyone accessing or visiting care homes.

You are required to wear a face covering on entering these healthcare settings and must keep it on until you leave unless you are exempt or have a reasonable excuse for removing it. Examples of what would usually be a reasonable excuse are listed in the ‘If you are not able to wear a face covering’ section below.

The Department for Transport has updated its guidance on safer travel for passengers.

The Department for Education has updated its guidance on the use of face coverings for schools, early years settings, out of school settings, and further and higher education settings.

If you are not able to wear a face covering

Face coverings are no longer required by law in England, but remain a requirement under infection prevention control (IPC) guidance in healthcare settings. There are some circumstances where people may not be able to wear a face covering Please advise us if you are exempt and we will do or best to accommodate your needs.

Widex Moment

We are proud to have been appointed

approved status for Widex Hearing Aids

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